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How to check if the robot will do what you expect with your hands and auction.

At this time the robot cannot take instruction from the teacher, so you have to check the hands and rely on the robot's decision-making skill. We have programmed code in the robots that occasionally will innocently peak in all hands, but if it sees none of the 3-4 cards it thinks will be there, then the robot may play a card that does not yield a good result. Make sure in Settings -> Robots -> Sill Level is set to Console Session. 

Make sure in Settings -> Robots -> Sill Level is set to Console Session. 

What I would suggest is this:

  1. Build your hands in the Shark deal library, add the auction, and add the lead from the defense. Save the hand. You can also import the hands.
  2. Start a session and add one table.
  3. Load the hand with Load Deal button and choose Play pre-set Tricks
  4. On the student green table make the plays you expect from a student and press Forward (underneath South's hand) for the robot to play its hands. Now hopefully the robot does it right :).

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